Earning extra money on the side can be easy when you know what types of opportunities to look. Whether you want to pay off student loan debt, start saving for a big-ticket purchase or build up a fund for the future, finding one of the best side jobs out there is a great way to reach your goal. Side jobs are part-time positions that offer job holders the flexibility needed to earn extra money while working full time in other roles. In order to be qualified by GOBankingRates as one of the highest-paid side jobs, positions had to earn at least twice the average hourly rate in the U. If you love your city and have a passion for writing, a side gig as a city guide writer might be ideal. According to Business Insider, real estate and tourism businesses often hire local writers to craft city and neighborhood guides. As a city guide writer, you would provide a unique local perspective on the city, statistics about population demographics and insider tips for shopping, recreation, culture, ente...