No longer do you have to settle for a part-time job with a set schedule. Many of these strategies have been put makjng the test by Team Clark and even money expert Monet Howard. To learn more about these side gigs, click on one of the links in our table of contents or keep scrolling for the full list…. Just enter your name and state to find unclaimed property, money and assets. It only takes a few seconds! Unclaimed money from bank accounts, insurance policies, rental and utility deposits, safe deposit boxes and other places make up the billions of dollars sitting with state governments. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. There are a handful of popular cash back apps that will reward you for buying things that are probably already in your grocery shopping cart. With the Ibotta app, earning extra cash is as easy as Saving money and making side money primarily uses it to earn cash back at the grocery store, but the app has since expanded to offer cash back for online shoppi...